Los Angeles Times, The Envelope - Live, In-person Screening + Q&A

December 08, 2022

Envelope Live: LA Times Short Docs Showcase FYC Shorts



Film screening: ᎤᏕᏲᏅ (What They’ve Been Taught)

Date: Thursday December 8, 2022

Time: 6:45 PM doors, 7:30 PM Screening begins with Q&A to follow

Lumiere Cinema at the Music Hall - 9036 Wilshire Blvd, Beverly Hills, CA 90211


L.A. Times Short Docs showcase compelling films that amplify underrepresented voices and foster diversity in the film community.

7:30 PM on December 8th for a special Envelope Live screening event featuring L.A Times Short Docs Showcase For Your Consideration Best Documentary Short from LA Times Studios followed by a Q&A with filmmakers, Lindsey Hagen (Director, After Skid Row), Brit Hensel (Director, What They've Been Taught), Jackson Kroopf and Nasir Bailey (Co-directors, Nasir), Jordyn Romero (Director, We Are Like Waves) and L.A. Times' Michael Ordoña.